Friday, April 9, 2010

A gentleman discusses integrity, fashion, and giving back to the community.

If you forgot to tune in last night and listen to Jermaine Anderson, as a guest on Lutonya Lang’s IndustryBuzz Radio Show, here’s another chance. We brought a little of what you missed. To hear the full interview, click the following link: 

I.B.R.: Tell us who Jermaine Lawrence Anderson is?

J.A: Jermaine Lawrence Anderson is a common gentleman from the neighborhood. Often times as I travel across Chicago, people notice me and give me so many accolades, but I tell people all the time that I’m just your common gentleman. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to be my own boss. I was the president of my own company (Lutonya I don’t even know if you knew this) since the fourth grade.

I.B.R.: I never thought that you would go into fashion, even though you dress well. So why did you decide to go into fashion?

J.A: Lutonya, I never thought that I would go into fashion either and certainly there are some other things I never even thought, in a billion years, I’d be a part of but as people continued to comment on the way that I dress and the style that I had, I said, Jermaine you need to give back.

Giving back means taking what you have and making it available to others and whether that’s fashion, whether that’s media, at some point we all have to give back to the community.

                                Giving Back
Several weeks ago Jermaine visited South Shore High School at Chicago’s Southside. He asked a group of young men if they owned a necktie. About 60 percent of the males did not own a neck tie, and the other 40 percent owned a necktie, but did not know how to tie it.

"That was amazing and troubling to me. So one of the things my company is doing this year is, we are picking three Chicago Public Schools in urban areas and we are going to those schools the month before graduation and we are supplying all the male students with their first neck tie. I think that’s a powerful statement."

Last night on IndustyBuzz Radio Jermaine said "If you look at our young guys today they don’t know the first thing about a necktie unfortunately, they don’t know about dressing up, taking a young lady out on the town to have a good time. All they know is basketball jerseys and baseball jerseys and jeans and gym shoes. White tees and white beaters. They don’t know about integrity, they don’t know about swagger, they don’t know about style.

So what we’re trying to do, as IndustryBuzz is trying to bring integrity back to media, we are trying to bring integrity back to the fashion world."

Stay posted to find out what Jermaine has planned to 'bring integrity to the fashion world." Your opinion counts too. Have something to say, need fashion advice? Post a comment, Jermaine would love to answer! 

P.S. Just in case we have any young gentlemen out there who don't know how to tie a necktie either. Jermaine wants to you know how, so here's a step-by-step video to teach you and keep you looking successful and stylish.

1 comment:

  1. this was awesome having Jermaine L Anderson on our radio show and now on the official site

    Thank you for sharing your vision with us
